Updated 7/12/2021
Move a list of apps in one app service plan to another. I was consolidating some app services into one app plan to save some money. Found my old script and updated it. It’s super simple but does the job.
Login-AzAccount $sub = 'yer sub name' Set-AzContext -SubscriptionName $sub $slotname = 'Production' $rg = 'Resource Group Name' $AppPlanMoveTo = 'App service plan to move to' #Get list of apps $serverfarm = '/subscriptions/sub-id/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/App service plan moving from' $apps = (Get-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName $rg | where {$_.ServerFarmId -eq $serverfarm}).Name ForEach ($app in $apps) { Set-AzWebAppSlot -Name $app -Slot $slotname -ResourceGroupName $rg -AppServicePlan $AppPlanMoveTo }