Cannot add shared web worker role to Windows Azure Pack Websites

Ran into this issue after the CU6 update. Turns our it is an issue with the update. I believe Microsoft is pushing everyone to the new MMC console instead of the web portal for admin tasks. This could be part of that effort. If you are seeing these errors when adding a new web worker role in WAP:WS (Windows Azure Pack with the Websites role ) try adding the new role through the controller server.

My post to the azure forums is here.

Error in the web portal:
Please try again. If the problem persists, contact support.

Error in event logs (MgmtSvc-AdminSite) on the adminhub.
Error:ProtocolException: The remote server returned an unexpected response: (400) Bad Request.
<Message>The remote server returned an unexpected response: (400) Bad Request.</Message>

And this. (I replaced the partial server name with MEHMEH)

Rest client received unsucessful response message with status code ‘404’ and body ‘{“Code”:”NotFound”,”Message”:”Server MEHMEH is not accessible. Could not connect to the server ‘MEHMEH’. This may be because the server is not available. Make sure the server name or address is correct and try again.”,”ExtendedCode”:”10002″,”MessageTemplate”:”Server {0} is not accessible.”,”Parameters”:[“MEHMEH”],”InnerErrors”:null}’.

Work around:

  1. Login to the controller server.
  2. Open the Websites Management Console MMC.
  3. Click on Servers.
  4. Click Add Server from the right hand menu.
  5. Type in the name, choose the role (webworker), choose mode (shared), and choose large (WAP ignores this on shared roles).

  6. The role will add and immediately appear in the web portal as well.

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