I recently had the pleasure of figuring out how to get Railo working for a customer. Unfortunately the internet doesn’t convey my extreme sarcasm in saying the word pleasure. It was not pleasant. For one, there is very limited documentation. So limited that it’s hard to determine what version you should install. Despite all this I managed to figure out the basics in a few days and get some sites up and running. There are still a lot of things that confuse me, but I’m not about to figure all those out. I just wanted to get it running. Fortunately for anyone who is reading this I kept some notes on what I did, hopefully they help you in your endeavor.
First, download Railo server. Go here http://www.getrailo.org/index.cfm/download and scroll down, then download the exe under Railo server.
Run the installed, I chose to install in C:\Railo to keep things really simple.
After it’s installed try http://localhost:8600/railo-context/admin/server.cfm on the server. Don’t get excited, I’ve never had a problem getting that running. Don’t set anything up yet or add DSNs. I’m not sure if this is true but the admin is different for each site. At least I found that if I added a DSN under localhost it would not show up for the site. More on that later …
Open IIS and add a script mapping to your handler mappings.
Script: *.cfm
DLL: C:\Railo\win32\isapi_srun.dll
Name: CFviaRailo
Within handler mappings click on edit feature permissions from the right hand side and allow EXE. This is bad for the whole server so I recommend doing it on the sites individually.
If you are using Windows 2008 R2 x64 make sure the application pool for the site is set to allow 32bit apps and also set it to no managed code.
Open resin.conf in C:\Railo\conf. Find the line:
<!– configures a deployment directory for virtual hosts –>
Above that line put the following.
<!– configure IIS sites routing by host –>
<host id=”your-domain-name.com” root-directory=”.”>
<web-app id=”/” document-directory=”C:/inetpub/wwwroot/file-path”/>
Do the same for any other sites that will run Railo. Restart IIS (cmd –> iisreset) and the Railo server in services.
Now, in a web browser open the Railo admin under that site. Hopefully everything works for you. The URL would be “http://your-domain.com/railo-context/admin/server.cfm. You should be asked to set an admin password. After you do that and login add your datasources, setup the mail server, turn off debugging, and any other settings you like. With all that done your site should run as long as it doesn’t require something Railo doesn’t offer.
Like I said this is very basic and I did this for some relatively simple websites. I’m not sure if this is correct or recommended.Keep in mind that Resin is the web server, it is running the Railo sites and the CFML. IIS is simply passing the cfml to resin/railo. Just like normal CF/Java.
Some other links that helped me.
Leave a comment with any questions you have and I’ll try and help.
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